Connect to Dashboard

The dashboard enables users to access analytical metrics and manage advanced features related to their account.

You can access the dashboard page either through the website's menu or directly via the link:

To log in to the dashboard page, you'll need to connect to your Tronlink wallet. Simply click on "Login with Tronlink" and sign the message to prove that you are the owner of the wallet.

Login with Password - Optional

If you'd rather not rely on your wallet for future logins, you can opt for the password method. Begin by logging in with Tronlink, then proceed to set up a password for your account.

To create a password, click on the user icon, choose "Change Password" and confirm your new password.

Once the password has been successfully created, you can log in to the dashboard using this method in the future. Simply enter your address and password, then click on "Login" to access your account.

Reset Password

If you are unable to log in using Tronlink, you can follow this alternative method to generate a new password.

Click on "Forgot your password or need to create a new one?" to open the following window:

Click the "Generate Password" button. You'll need to delegate 1 TRX to energy to our wallet to confirm ownership of your address. Energy can be freely undelegated after the process is complete.

Copy and save the newly generated password and use it to log in to the dashboard with your address.

Last updated